

Reza Dermawan
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Archive for Maret 2013

Wild ones kode All Accessoris dengan tamper data

Posted by Unknown
Jumat, 29 Maret 2013
  Anda harus memiliki 1 akun dummy untuk proses
silahkan lihat tutor di bawah ini

  Tutor :
1. Buka Akun Dummy Anda
2. Buka Wild Ones
3. Klik Send Gift
4. Send Gift Ke Akun Asli Anda
5. Jangan Langsung Di Klik Kirim Permintaan
6. Buka Tamper Data
7. Klik Start Tamper
8. Baru Klik Kirim Permintaan
9. Nanti Akan Muncul Bar Permintaan
10. Klik Tamper
11. Cari  2 Kode mystery di Data
12. Ganti Kode mistery dengan kode di dengan kode kesukaan kamu
13. Lihat kode di bawah ini !!!

  Kode :
- back_cherubwings_white - Cherub Wings
- bottom_blue - Pants
- bottom_brown - Pants
- bottom_green - Pants
- bottom_heartboxers_pink - Heart Boxers
- bottom_heartboxers_white - Heart Boxers
- bottom_overalls - Overalls
- bottom_purple - Pants
- bottom_red - Pants
- bottom_skirt1 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt2 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt3 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt4 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt5 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt6 - Skirt
- bottom_skirt7 - Skirt
- bottom_skull_black - Pants
- bottom_skull_grey - Pants
- bottom_star_blue - Pants
- bottom_star_red - Pants
- foot_sandal1 - Sandals
- foot_sandal2 - Sandals
- foot_sandal3 - Sandals
- foot_shoe1 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe2 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe3 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe4 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe5 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe6 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe7 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe8 - Sneakers
- foot_shoe9 - Sneakers
- hand_blades - Blades
- head_bandana1 - Bandana
- head_cigar - Cigar
- head_construction - Construction Hat
- head_cowboy - Cowboy Hat
- head_german_helmet - WWII Helmet
- head_hachimaki - Hachimaki
- head_hat1 - Hat
- head_jet_helmet - Pilot Helmet
- head_mustache - Mustache
- head_rdeerAntler2009 - Deer Antler
- head_rdeerRudolph2009 -
- head_santaBeard2009 - Santa Beard
- head_santaHat2009 - Santa Hat
- head_sombrero - Sombrero
- head_swat - SWAT Helmet
- top_body_armor - Body Armor
- top_dress1 - Dress
- top_dress2 - Dress
- top_dress3 - Dress
- top_fatigues - Tactical Vest
- top_gi_blue - Gi
- top_heart_beige - Heart Shirt
- top_heart_blood - Broken Heart Shirt
- top_heart_red - Heart Shirt

- top_leather_jacket - Leather Jacket
- top_playdom_black - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_blue - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_purple - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_red - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_white - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_yellow - Playdom Shirt
- top_poncho - Poncho
- top_sherrif - Sheriff Vest
- top_skull1_black - Shirt
- top_skull1_olive - Shirt
- top_skull1_red - Shirt
- top_skull2_blue - Shirt
- top_skull2_pink - Shirt
- top_skull2_white - Shirt
- top_skull_black - Shirt
- top_skull_white - Shirt
- top_spike_collar - Spike Collar
- top_star_blue - Shirt
- top_star_pink - Shirt
- top_striped_black - Striped Shirt
- top_striped_blue - Striped Shirt
- top_striped_orange - Striped Shirt
- top_striped_red - Striped Shirt
- top_tactical_vest_olive - Tectical Vest
- top_tank_olive - Tank Top
- Accessories.swf Codes
- back_cherubwings - Angelic Wings
- bottom_jersey24 - Shorts
- bottom_nerd - Nerd Pants
- flag_samurai - Samurai Flag
- foot_clown - Clown Shoes
- hand_foam_blue - Foam Hand
- head_helmet_cb0x - Biker Helmet
- head_helmet_an4o - Biker Helmet
- head_chief - Chief Headdress
- head_chieftain - Chieftain Hat
- head_clown - Clown Hair
- head_glasses1 - Nerd Glasses
- head_glasses2 - Glasses
- head_glasses3 - Nerd Glasses
- head_glasses4 - Rockstar Shades
- head_glasses5 - Rockstar Shades
- head_glasses6 - Groucho Glasses
- head_glasses7 - Aviator Shades
- head_goatee - Goatee
- head_greyhair - Uncle Sam Hair
- head_hat2 - Mounty/Explorer hat (Similar to Mounty hat but without the belt, is flatter and has different color)
- head_headband1 - Headband
- head_lampshade - Head Lampshade
- head_mask1 - Tiki Mask
- head_mohawk_red - Red Mohawk
- head_mohawk_yellow - Yellow Mohawk
- head_nacho - Head Nacho
- head_ninjaA_midnight - Shuriken Headband
- head_ninjaA_white - Shuriken Headband
- head_pharaoh - Pharaoh Headdress
- head_pirate - Pirate hat
- head_sam - Uncle Sam Hat
- head_samurai - Samurai Helmet
- head_whistle - Whistle
- head_wizard - Wizard Hat
- toga_headpiece_lbem - Laurel Wreath
- top_ankh - Rosary/Cross Necklace
- top_axe - Axe
- top_beads1 - Beads
- top_beads2 - Beads
- top_biker1 - Biker Coat
- top_biker2 - Biker Coat
- top_bowtie_red - Red Bowtie
- top_brazil_jersey - Brazil jersey
- top_charm - Tiki Necklace

- top_chieftain - Chieftain Top
- top_clock - Clock
- top_england_jersey - England Jersey
- top_fangs - Fangs
- top_flower - Flower
- top_fur - Fur Coat
- top_graduate_black - Graduate Shirt
- top_guitar - Guitar
- top_harness - Harness
- top_jersey24 - Bright Top
- top_loud - Tiki Shirt
- top_nerd - Nerd Shirt
- top_ninjaA_midnight - Ninjutsu Mesh
- top_ninjaA_white - Ninjutsu Mesh
- top_pharaoh - Pharaoh Top
- top_playdom_brown - Playdom Shirt
- top_playdom_green - Playdom Shirt
- top_portugal_jersey - Portugal Jersey
- top_sam - Uncle Sam Coat
- top_samurai - Samurai Armor
- top_sash - Red Sash
- top_skull3 - Skull Shirt
- top_spain_jersey - Spain Jersey
- top_sport1 - #1 Shirt
- top_suspenders - Suspenders
- top_tactical_vest_blue - Tactical Vest
- top_trench1 - Detective Shirt
- top_trench2 - Detective Shirt
- top_usa_jersey - USA Jersey
- top_wizard - Wizard Cloak
- Accessories1.swf Codes
- Afro - Afro
- AstroGloves - Astronaut Gloves
- AstroHat - Astronaut Helmet
- AstroShirt - Astronaut Shirt
- BoxingPants - Boxing Pants
- BrownVest - Brown Vest
- CastroBelt - Revolutionary Belt
- CastroHat - Revolutionary Hat
- CastroShirt - Revolutionary Shirt
- CastroShoes - Revolutionary Shoes
- ChefHat - Baker's Hat
- DevilHorns - Devil Horns
- DevilShirt - Devil's Shirt
- DragonClaws - Dragon Claws
- DragonShirt - Dragon Shirt

- FootballHelmet - Football Helmet
- FurHat - Fur Hat
- Geisha1 - Geisha Hair
- Geisha2 - Geisha Hair
- Geisha3 - Geisha Hair
- GeishaRobe - Kimono
- GoatHorn - Horns
- GreenFeet - Green Feet
- HeadPhones - Headphones
- IBelt - IBelt
- KnightBelt - Knight Belt
- KnightFoot - Knight Shoes
- KnightHat - Knight Helm
- KnightShirt - Knight Armor
- LionHair - Lion Hair
- MilitaryGoggles - Military Goggles
- MilitaryHat - Military Hat
- Militaryshirt - Military Shirt
- NewGeta - Wooden Shoes
- Skates - Skates
- SnowGloves - Snow Gloves
- SnowHat - Snow Hat
- SnowShirt - Snow Shirt
- SnowShoes - Snow Shoes
- SpaniardBelt - Spaniard Belt
- SpaniardHat - Spaniard Helm
- SpaniardShirt - Spaniard Shirt
- SportPants - Sports Pants
- SportShirt - Sports Shirt
- SpyGloves - Spy Gloves
- SpyHat - Spy Hat
- SpyShirt - Spy Shirt
- StudShirt - Studded Shirt
- Tattoo - Face Tattoo
- UniHorn - Unihorn
- hand_boxingglove - Boxing Gloves
- head_luchador - Luchador
- Accesories2.swf Codes
- BoxingBelt_h6f0
- back_cherubwings_grey
- back_cherubwings_purple_0tkf
- back_featheredwings_b8r0
- back_sachel
- back_skeleton_wings_btj5
- bottom_aviator_pants_asji
- bottom_bakerspants_tki4
- bottom_baseball_pants_e5a9
- bottom_disco_pants_l75d
- bottom_doctors_pants_fd3d
- bottom_egyptian_skirt_o1cb
- bottom_elf_pants_yv7p
- bottom_firefighterpants_540w
- bottom_gangsterpants_f9ea
- bottom_golfpants_ea59
- bottom_grass_skirt_729b
- bottom_hockey_bottom_6q5l
- bottom_kilt_113b
- bottom_leprechaunpants_aci3
- bottom_mardigras_tki4
- bottom_overalls1
- bottom_pilgrim_h1pp
- bottom_prisoner_6c4w
- bottom_red_pants_f830
- bottom_sailorpants_mhxj
- bottom_santa_v1hq
- bottom_soccerpants_8vjj
- bottom_tennisshorts_60n5
- bottom_track_pants_rkgp
- bottom_viking_xqwe
- bottom_warrior_bottom_qdma
- bottom_wrestling_pst0
- flag_australian_m91c
- flag_bangladesh_cpo8
- flag_checkered_qbg9
- flag_ireland_kry2
- flag_mexico
- flag_turkey_g8lv
- flag_us
- foot_archer_shoes_nxgg
- foot_bagpiper_shoes_f289
- foot_cleats_e140
- foot_clog_shoes_ajxv
- foot_elf_shoes_b0a4
- foot_flippers_ppk3
- foot_gangster_shoes_0f4b
- foot_golf_shoes_r790
- foot_hockey_skates_c8ss
- foot_leprechaunshoes_5f23
- foot_mardigras_b0a4
- foot_militaryboots
- foot_moccasins_tq1s
- foot_pilgrim_shoes_fk5h
- foot_pirate_boots_umvm
- foot_rabbit_slippers_08c7
- foot_racingshoes_ocw9
- foot_rollerblades_a1j0x
- foot_running_shoes_v6z0
- foot_springshoes_1a0xj
- foot_viking_shoes_bcx0
- foot_warrior_sandals_vf92
- foot_wrestling_sneakers_0fum
- hand_baseballglove_pljq
- hand_blades
- hand_warrior_shield_u9ge
- head_anubis_head_bp3g
- head_archer_hat_naak
- head_aviator_hat_fepb
- head_bagpiper_hat_d905
- head_baseballcap_i0sk
- head_beret_3785
- head_boxing_helmet_qhzo
- head_chef_hat
- head_cowboy_hat
- head_crown
- head_detective_hat_44fb
- head_doctors_hat_616d
- head_elf_hat_fppy
- head_explorer_hat
- head_farmer_hat_fiq6
- head_firefighterhat_o9tq
- head_french_mustache_zmaa

- head_gangster_hat_4a67
- head_glasses8
- head_golf_hat_c0cx
- head_graduate_cap
- head_greenhornet_mask
- head_headband_ew72
- head_helmet_cb0x
- head_hockey_helmet_4oid
- head_kato_mask
- head_kingcrown
- head_kufi_nut2
- head_libertycrown
- head_lumberjack_hat
- head_mardigras_by1f
- head_monocle
- head_mountain_hat_rva3
- head_musketeer_hat_8vik
- head_newyear_hat_by1f
- head_party_glass_ravo
- head_pattys
- head_pilgrim_hat1
- head_pilgrim_hat2
- head_pilgrim_hat_tzwc
- head_pilot_hat
- head_prisoner_rrub
- head_rabbit_ears
- head_racinghelmet_4i1d
- head_referee_black
- head_sailorhat_hb9a
- head_santa_hat
- head_snorkeling_mask_tc8o
- head_straw
- head_suit_tophat
- head_viking_hat_o6c0
- head_warrior_helmet_6vup
- head_wrestling_helmet_tuf8

- mini_baldeagle
- mini_bee
- mini_bug
- mini_devil
- mini_dodo
- mini_elephant
- mini_falcon
- mini_lynx
- mini_octo
- mini_owl
- mini_parrot
- mini_parrot_1
- mini_phoenix
- mini_pig
- mini_polarbear
- mini_polarbear_1
- mini_puffin
- mini_ram
- mini_reaper
- mini_reindeer
- mini_robot
- mini_shark
- mini_sheep
- mini_snake
- mini_toucan
- mini_turkey
- mini_turtle
- mini_walrus
- mini_walrus_1
- mini_witch
- mini_zombie_canary
- mini_zonkey

- monster_wig_ujo2
- musketeer_mask_q2yl
- pirate_eyepatch_dhm3
- toga_sandals_oq6i
- top_archer_shirt_notx
- top_aviator_jacket_rgoq
- top_backpack_m504
- top_bagpiper_5abf
- top_bakersjacket_od6o
- top_baseball_jersey_47fb
- top_black_cat
- top_chef_uniform
- top_construction_vest_7ntu
- top_detective_cape_006e
- top_detective_jacket_a13c
- top_disco_shirt_9en0
- top_doctors_coat_8ad7
- top_earthcostume
- top_egyptian_necklace_zt6r
- top_elf_yzcq
- top_explorer
- top_firefighterjacket_rea2
- top_french_shirt_2983
- top_gangster_suit_98a7
- top_goldneck_tie_lztj
- top_golftop_4f7b
- top_hawaiian_shirt_71f8
- top_hockey_jersey_23ld
- top_hoodedsweatshirt_7g97
- top_jetpack (DO NOT USE)
- top_kaftan_shirt_nlg2
- top_lederhosen_overalls_h14w
- top_lei_157b
- top_leprechaunjacket_0vyn
- top_life_jacket_bab0
- top_lumberjack
- top_magician_cape_c337
- top_magician_coat_78d3
- top_mardigras_78d3
- top_musketeer_shirt_gosv
- top_native_americal_shirt_0ifh
- top_parachute_pack_1aw4
- top_pilgrim_shirt_73q7
- top_pilot_uniform
- top_pirate_vest_j7z6
- top_police_uniform
- top_prisoner_j7vh
- top_rabbit_suit_622f
- top_racingsuit_h1w4
- top_referee_uniform
- top_robe_6h0g
- top_sailorshirt_6inc
- top_santa_vbwb
- top_silk_jacket_1825
- top_soccerjersey_gd00
- top_stethoscope_a8c1
- top_suit_black
- top_tennisjacket_noaa
- top_toga_u0k3
- top_track_jacket_qf7h
- top_warrior_cape_y939
- top_warrior_top_dtk8
- top_wet_suit_23f6
- top_wrestling_3n2u
- viking_shirt_40wt
- witch_boots_oxnc
- witch_hat_he45
- z_c
- zombie_pants_gck2
- zombie_shirt_owm8
- zombie_wig

  Pets Code ( Not Working ) :

- armadillo - Armadillo
- bat - Bat
- bird - Bird
- cat - Cat
- chameleon - Chameleon
- crocodile - Crocodile
- dino - Dino
- dog - Dog
- dragon - Dragon
- duck - Duck
- fox - Fox
- hammie - Hamster
- hedgehog - Hedgehog
- hippo - Hippo
- kangaroo - Kangaroo
- koala - Koala
- lion - Lion
- monkey - Monkey
- panda - Panda
- penguin - Penguin
- platypus - Platypus
- porcupine - Porcupine
- rabbit - Rabbit
- raccoon - Raccoon
- rhino - Rhino
- sheep - Bighorn Sheep
- squirrel - Squirrel
- super_skunk - Super Skunk
- tiger - Tiger
- werewolf - Werewolf
- yeti - Yeti

  Snack Code :
- acorn_2imm_icon - Acorn
- apple_icon - Apple
- avocado_fcum_icon - Avocado
- brain_nhz7_icon - Brain
- cactus_kgtx_icon - Cactus
- carrot_icon - Carrot
- cherries_icon - Cherries
- chipssalsa_icon - Chips and Salsa
- chocolate_yyuq_icon - Chocholate
- coconut_icon - Coconut
- cornedbeef_gqco_icon - Corned Beef
- cranberry_24qm_icon - Cranberry Sauce
- croissant_icon - Croissant
- cupcake_0ogk_icon - Cupcake
- dumpling_2k9c_icon - Dumpling
- fruitcake_pmh3_icon - Fruitcake
- kingcake_6f6e_icon - King Cake
- kiwi_hiu4_icon - Kiwi
- mango_icon - Mango
- marshmallow_7f81_icon - Marshmallow
- pineapple_icon - Pineapple
- pomegranate_352b_icon - Pomegranate
- pretzel_bb5e_icon - Pretzel
- radsalad_icon - Super Salad
- sportsdrink_icon - Sports Drink
- strawberry_icon - Strawberry
- watermelon_icon - Watermelon

Weapon Code :
- airstrike - Missile Shower
- antigravmissile - Anti-Grav Missile
- anvil - Anvil
- alligatorcage - Caged Alligator (new)
- candy_corn_mirv - Candy MIRV (new)
- beartrap - Bear Trap
- babybeehive - Baby Beehive
- babyflame - Baby Napalm
- babynuke - Baby Nuke
- bakersdozen - Baker's Dozen
- birdiestrike - Birdie Shower (new)
- blizzard - Blizzard
- candy_grenade - Candy Grenades (new)
- clustergrenade - Cluster Grenade
- cranberry - Cranberry Missile (new)
- potato1 - Potato 1 Missile (new)
- potato2 - Potato 2 Missile (new)
- cluster_drill - Drill Cluster (new)
- cow - Cow
- drillFO1 - Purple Drill Missile
- drillcluster - Drill Cluster
- drillstrike - Grave Digger
- earthquake - Earthquake
- fireworks - Fireworks
- flame - Napalm
- flamechild - Flame
- gas - Gas Gun (new)
- gameovernuke - Game Over Nuke
- gammastar - Gamma Star
- gammaray - Gamma Ray
- gammabeam - Gamma Beam
- giant - Hamster's Giant Form
- goo - Goo Blobgun
- goochild - Goo
- goolake - Mega Blobgun
- mosquitoswarm - Mosquito Swarm (new)
- goopuddle - Baby Blobgun
- gooshotKI1 - Killer Goo
- goostrike - Goo Airstrike
- grenadeEL1 - Rubber Grenade
- grenadeHU1 - Orange Grenade
- grenadeshower - Mega Cluster Grenade
- impulsemissile - Unknown
- jet - Jet
- jumbomissile - Jumbo Missile
- kissgoodby - Kiss GoodBye
- lightningstorm - Thunderstorm
- lantern - Lantern
- lasercannon - Laser
- mossgun - Moss Gun (new)
- marshmallow - S'more Shot
- megamirv - Mega MIRV
- megamirvchild - 1 Missile from Mega MIRV
- meganinjastar - Mega Ninja Stars
- meganuke - Mega Nuke
- mines - Mine Cluster
- minestrike - Mine Shower
- minigun - Minigun
- mirvHU1 - Orange MIRV
- mirvSC1 - Scatter MIRV
- mirv - MIRV
- mirvchild - 1 Missile from MIRV
- mirvchildHU1 - 1 Missile from Orange MIRV
- mirvchildSC1 - 1 Missile from Scatter MIRV
- mortarFO1 - Purple Missile
- mortarKI1 - Killer Missile
- mortar - Missile
- multishot - Missile Stream
- multishotchild - 1 Missile from Missile Stream
- napalm - Napalm
- ninjastar - Ninja Stars
- nuke - Nuke
- queenbee - Queen Beehive
- queenbeechild - Queen Bee
- quintuplets - Quintuplets
- rubbergrenades - Rubber Grenade Trio
- razor_apple - Razor Apples (new)
- rubbergrenadestrike - Rubber Grenade Shower
- rubbermirv - Rubber Grenade MIRV
- rubbermirvchild - 1 Missile from Rubber Grenade Shower
- scratch - Cat Scratch
- spiderstrike - Spider Bomb Shower (new)
- shotgun - Shotgun
- shuriken - Shuriken
- starfiled - Starfield
- tornado - Tornado
- tornadocluster - Tornado Cluster
- tornadogrenade - Tornado Grenade
- trick_bag - Trick or Treat Bag (new)
- unknown - Unknown
- zoobomb - Impulse or Zoo Bomb
- zoo - Impulse or Zoo Bomb (new)
- batfly - Bat Fly
- batton - Baton
- beechild - Bee
- bone - Dog Bone
- boomerang - Boomerang
- chainsaw - Chainsaw
- climb - Monkey Climb
- crate - Weapon Crate
- dart - Dart
- dig - Armadillo Dig
- drill - Drill Gun
- dualpistol - Pistols
- dynamite - Dynamite
- flamethrower - Beehive (it might be flamethrower but it shows beehive)
- goo - Goo Blobgun
- gooshot - Goo Ammo
- grappling - Grappling Hook
- gravbubble - AntiGrav Bubble
- grenade - Grenade
- harpoon - Harpoon
- healthEquipA - Health Kit A
- health - Health Crate
- heartdynamite - Love Note
- lasercannon - Laser Cannon
- lightning - Shock Rifle
- mallet - Mallet
- mine - Mine
- punch - Panda Punch
- acidcloud - Poison Cloud (new)
- spider - Spider Bomb
- shield - Energy Shield
- queenbeechild - Queen Bee
- superjump - Bunny Hop
- teleport - Teleport
- trout - Trout

Sekian !!!
Tag :
Hay Sobat C - B4rt~
Hehe Udh Lama Ya gk Post XD Pasti Lagi nungguin Postingan Baru Dari C - B4rt ya ?? xD hhehehe Kemarin Admin Pusing Mau Posting apa xD karna bnyk yang nanya cara buat gambar postingan berputar saat di sorot mouse ya udh deh admin aja.Kemarin admin posting Cara Mudah Mendaftarkan Website Ke Google kan ? Sudah di pratekin belom ?? Heheh klo sudah jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar nya , bila ingin rank alexa mu naik :) klo gk mau sih ,  gpp hehehe admin ,  gk maksa kok :3 kwwkwkwk oke gk usah panjangan lebar langsung aja ke tutorial cara buat gambar postingan berputar saat di sorot mouse Let's Go to TKP :
1. login akun blogger
2. masuk ke rancangan
3. masuk ke EDIT HTML
4. Cari Kode </head> Letakkan script ini di atas kode </head>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'><style>.post img{margin:10px;padding-left5px;width:100px;height:100px;text-align:center;-webkit-transition:All 2.346s ease;-moz-transition:All 2.346s ease;-o-transition:All 2.346s ease;-webkit-background-clip:padding-box;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 3px #000cff;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 0 3px #000;box-shadow:0 0 0 3px #000cff;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:60px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:60px;-moz-border-radius-topleft:60px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:60px;border-top-left-radius:60px;border-bottom-right-radius:60px;-o-border-top-left-radius:60px;-o-border-bottom-right-radius:60px}.post img:hover{box-shadow:1px 1px 10px 3px rgba(0,0,220,0.6);border-radius:0;-webkit-transition:All 2.346s ease;-moz-transition:All 2.346s ease;-o-transition:All 2.346s ease;-moz-transform:rotate(360deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);-o-transform:rotate(360deg)}
Script bisa kamu Edit Sendiri ya :D

Bila ada yang di tanyakan Harap berkomentar Thanks !!
Tag :

Cara Mudah Mendaftarkan Website Ke Google

Posted by Unknown
Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Cara Mudah Mendaftarkan Website Ke Google - Mungkin judulnya sedikit lucu kalau didengar. Namun yakinlah, dibalik artikel ini ada sedikit banyaknya keuntungan yang akan kamu dan website mu. Nah, dengan Mendaftarkan Website Ke Google maka akan membuat website kamu terindex dan tercantum di search engine google. Saya sengaja hanya membahas   Cara Mudah Mendaftarkan Website Ke Google karena Google sendiri adalah raja nya internet, Alias King Of Internet. Hampir semua yang kita cari ada di google, nah daripada saya memilih Google sebagai bahan postingan kali ini. Berikut ini ada list/daftar Google Addurl yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mendaftar website kamu. Disini admin menegaskan, bahwa baiknya untuk mendaftar website ke Google ini adalah 1-7 negara saja. Mengapa demikian ? Sebab nantinya google akan mendeteksi website kamu adalah spam karena mendaftar banyak negara untuk 1 website dalam satu hari.

No. Google Lokal Negara
2 Indonesia
3 Inggris
4 Jerman
5 Rusia
6 Perancis
7 Australia
8 Spanyol
9 Italia
10 Portugis
11 Arab Emirates
12 Belanda
13 Canada
14 Spanyol (?)
15 Hungaria
16 Israel
17 Italia
18 French (?)
19 Thailand
20 Spanyol (?)
21 Spanyol (?)
22 Spanyol (?)
23 ?
24 Arab (?)
25 Vietnam Vietnam
26 Finlandia Finnish
27 Yunani Greek
28 ?
29 Polandia Polish
30 Romania Romania
31 Swedia Swedish
32 Taiwan Chinese (Trad)
33 German (?)
34 Bulgaria
35 German (?)
36 Spanyol (?)
37 ?
38 Jepang Japanese
39 New Zealand
40 ?
41 Spanyol (?)
42 Spanyol (?)
43 Spanyol (?)
44 Singapura Singapore
45 Taiwan (?) Chinese (Trad.)
46 Spanyol (?)
47 Croasia Croatian
48 India (?)
49 Jepang Japan
50 Belanda Netherland
51 Portugis Portuguese
52 Slovakia Slovak

selamat mencoba yaa :)
Mohon untuk tidak melakukan tindakan SPAM, dan untuk tidak meninggalkan link hidup/link mati blog kamu dikomentar. Saya akan berikan komentar saya jika kamu juga dapat menghargai blog saya dengan tidak meninggalkan LINK dalam bentuk apapun !
Sudah Lama Admin Nggak Posting !!!
Kali Ini Admin Membagikan Tutor Hack Akun Gemscool Secara Random
Langsung Aja Ke TKP

Tutor :

 1. Pergi Ke ( ) Tanpa Pake Tanda Kurung

 2. Tulis di pencarian dengan kata kata seperti ini  " apa nama warna favorit anda 4shared " Tanpa Pake Tanda Petik

 3. Tekan Enter

 4. Nanti Muncul Banyak Hasilnya, Pilih Yang Paling Atas Atau Yang Lain Juga Bisa. Nanti Akan Muncul Data Data Gemscool Seperti Ini Contoh nya  ( ) Tanpa Pake Tanda Kurung

5.Nah Sekarang Tinggal Buka ( ) Tanpa Pake Tanda Kurung

6. Klik Lupa Password

7. Lalu Isikan Data Datanya  ^^

8. Enjoy Hacking  ^^

Sekian Tutorial Dari Saya !!! :)
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